Saturday, August 23, 2008

My LIfe!

My life consists of a lot of different elements of me. I'm a mom a friend a daughter a step daughter a best friend a sister a baby mama and everybody's favorite lol. No seriously, I'm double dueces (22) still at home with mom and my only child just turned 2! I'm a MISS (mature intelligent sophisticated sister) yet and still. I have a handful of friends outside of my sisters. I'm a baby and middle child all at once. I work full time and still haven't found time to go back to college. I plan on moving to Chicago in about 5 months with my BGITWWW (bestest girl in the whole wide world). The best part of my life is waking up with my munchkin! Jayla Kina Armstead. She is my life my world and people try to question my parenting skills and my loyalty to her and that is probably the worst thing anyone could ever do. Warning: never assume that I'm too much into something else that I can't focus on her. Yeah life gets hard and she probably spends more time with my mom than she does me but I gotta work to take care of her because no one else does. I'm like one hundred percent her support system. Don't get me wrong her daddy is around but he's a child himself and he doesn't know what it means to provide and take care of her. He thinks I'm supposed to tell him what she needs lol. Silly boy he is. I mean really outside of that he let me go and thought I would come back lol. But whatever we'll get in to all of that later. This is just a snippet. I'll introduce everyone of importance or lack there of in my life and then you'll learn to love me as they do. And I'll seal every post with a kiss. I promise!

Keepin It Pretti ... still!!!!


Crisi Nicole said...

WTH?!?!?! Can u plz stop embarrassing me and take that doggone pic down!

brittany said...

YaY!!! I'm glad you're on here